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Can I Drink Crystal Light on Low Carb Diet

Old 06-15-2006, 11:07 AM #1


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Starting Atkins and question about crystal light mix

Hi there
I am starting Atkins, reading 1 of the 2 books I bought and making a grocery list for my induction phase. Is crystal light drink mix o.k. to use, during induction and after? NUTRITION FACTS:
5 calories
0 fat
0 carbs
0 sodium
0 sugar
0 protein

Ingredients: Citric acid, potassium citrate, maltodetrin, aspartame, magnesium oxide.

I know water is the best choice...but honestly....I can only drink so much water! I know a bit of lemon juice is ok. But is this too and, if so, in what quantity. THANKS...and any other tips from people living the Atkins lifestyle would be GREATLY appreciated.

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Old 06-15-2006, 11:52 AM #2




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Re: Starting Atkins and question about crystal light mix

I think it would be ok. Don't drink gallons but a glass or 2 with your meal will probably be ok.

Now if your just beginning let me share something many do not know. You may feel lousy for a couple of days. Your body is detoxing from all the sugars and stuff and you might end up with a horrific headache and general yuckiness. Hang in there is goes away and the results are so worth it. So many stop, thinking this WOE (way of eating) is making them ill. It's not Atkins at all but the cleansing of all the junk you have been eating. You will notice on Atkins you will not have heartburn like you use to either. Plus you will have more energy when you reach ketosis. Also Ketosis is not dangerous as people would like you to believe. This stage really helps you lose weight.

I was watching TV and they were doing an article on Janet Jackson's recent drop of 60 pounds. When viewing what they were saying about her diet and what she was eating, I noticed that she was doing low carb they just didn't call it that. No sugar, no white flour or rice, protein and veges? Yup low carb is how she lost those pounds. Why? Because it works. But if she like everyone else doesn't continue eating this way then she will gain all her weight back. Low carb is a lifestyle not a DIET.Most important thing before continuing this is to read Dr. Atkins book!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by anitak1982; 06-15-2006 at 11:55 AM.

Old 06-15-2006, 12:36 PM #3


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Re: Starting Atkins and question about crystal light mix

Thank you for your insight anitak1982. Question about veggies, is it crucial to strictly monitor veggie intake-both cooked and uncooked (I noticed carrots aren't included in the selection)? I love veggies, and this seems pretty hard, it seems good to fill up on veggies that are high fiber. And regarding coffee...another hard one for me. Even a samll cup bad if you do not add any sugar but say maybe some splenda (since that is Atkins approved)? Just starting so it's going to take some time like you said.

Old 06-15-2006, 12:52 PM #4



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Re: Starting Atkins and question about crystal light mix

If I can Play Devils Advocate....why are you Planning to do Atkins? Are you Planning to do this as a lifestyle change? or just for a period of time to lose weight?
Are you really prepared to Cut the foods out of your life that adkins suggests?
Have you read up on the CONS of the Adkins Program? the possible Health risks?

If you do proceed with this Keep in mind that almost all of the Initial Weight loss is just water and some muscle!
Duriong the Induction Phase you will deplete your glycogen stores. Every Gram of Glycgen Holds 3 grams of waters. you body can hold anywhere from 300-600 grams of glycogen. Also Until you reach Ketosis you are essentially putting yourself in Starvation Mode...your Body can not get Energy from Glycogen so before Ketosis kicks in it will go to Muscle for Energy.

Atkins Still Works for the same reasons that every other Diet eat less calories! It can make eating less calories easier then some othe diets as without all the Carbs it can cut down on Cravings and actually keep you full longer. But it still comes down to calories. Even if you eat too many Calories on atkins you will gain weight.
If you decide to go on atkins you should also see you doctor regularily and get your cholesterol checked regularily. It is Suspected that Atkins is very hard on the kidneys and the Real Long term effects are for the most part unknown as very few people actually stick to the program for the long haul.

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Old 06-15-2006, 02:06 PM #5


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Re: Starting Atkins and question about crystal light mix

I am planning to change my eating habits for a lifestyle change. I was a vegan than a vegetarian for years and then the last year or so my healthy eating went to the wayside. I believe after seeing my son's father's success (for about 2 years) that the "diet" is feasible in the long run. And, avoiding water retention...losing water is cool with me (since i bloat easily) long as I stay well hydrated (keep electrolytes good). I am finally ready for a change, since I am totally FED UP with the way I look and feel!

Last edited by tattoogirl; 06-15-2006 at 02:08 PM. Reason: add an emotion

Old 06-15-2006, 02:10 PM #6



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Re: Starting Atkins and question about crystal light mix

In That Case.....Crystal Lite should be Fine on it.

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Old 06-16-2006, 02:01 AM #7


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Re: Starting Atkins and question about crystal light mix

excuse me,
How can ''Atkins'' be all about counting calories to lose weight?
if all you can eat is just mostly proteine ( unflour meats) and eat until your full?? theres no limits on how much you can eat!.. meats mostly and eggs and pork rinds, most meats are loaded with calories and less carbs. only 40 carbs allowed per day during induction phase...thats not much carbs!
I thought Atkins was all about not having carbs! not calories?
I'm not sure on this but I think Dr Atkins mention about not to worry bout calories as much as the carbs?
way to much trans fats in that diet for me.
but good luck to you with it.

Old 06-16-2006, 06:25 AM #8



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Re: Starting Atkins and question about crystal light mix

ITs not about Counting Calories. But the Reason it works is still because you end up eating less calories. Even on atkins if you eat too many calories you will not lose weight. The Atkins people dont like to admit this but it is true.

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Old 06-16-2006, 06:32 AM #9




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Re: Starting Atkins and question about crystal light mix


I think what he meant by "all about calories" was simply that the only way a person can lose weight is by creating a calories deficit in their diet and how much they burn on a daily basis. You're right, Dr. Atkins says that there is no limit to how many calories you can eat on the Atkins diet and it is "all about carbs." However, most people have noticed (people who have done the actual diet and those who have studied it) that a "side effect" of the diet is that people tend to eat less calories than they did before. There are a few possible reasons for this but two main ones seem to be most common. First, people on Atkins are less likely to snack on foods that are readily available around them b/c they can't eat them b/c they're too high in carbs -- i.e those tootsie rolls in the office candy dish or the handful of chips someone offers to you. Second, when eating meals that are so high in protein and fat, people tend to stay fuller longer so again, they wind up eating less. So even though a lot of the foots on atkins are more calories dense, people tend to eat smaller portions. A long time ago I tried eating "low carb" (not Atkins specifically, just low carb) and found that there really was only so much cheese and meat I could eat. So instead of telling myself "just this one handful of cheez-its, I woudln't snack at all. Or, If I did snack, it was on veggies, which of course you can eat "virtually" as much as you want of on any diet.

Tha's just my two cents, I think that's what the previous poster meant by "all about calories" -- you simply wind up consuming less on the Atkins diet because you are more restricted and literally put less in your mouth.

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Old 06-16-2006, 07:30 PM #10


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Re: Starting Atkins and question about crystal light mix

well ok, your ''two cents'' makes a lot of eat less food=less cha!

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Old 06-16-2006, 07:39 PM #11


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Re: Starting Atkins and question about crystal light mix

Crystal Light ''on the go'' packets is just 5 calories per pack and o carbs so it should be fine on atkins? I mix packet to 20 oz bottle water while I'm out exercising so its not so strong as I drink on the go, its a great way to flavor your water.
I don't know how bad it is for you tho? tech speaking?

Anywayz does any body know about the ''new mist'' salad dressings'' thats out now? miss is only like 5 or 10 calories?? maybe not that much?... but its suppose to equal a tbl spoon of the real stuff?

Old 06-17-2006, 07:42 AM #12


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Re: Starting Atkins and question about crystal light mix

Thanks Chevy,
Ya i water it down quite a bit too, regular strength too strong. Thanks for everyones input. Haven't tried the spritz stuff but I think it's the same idea as oil spritzes...use a little less with more coverage and satisfaction without drenching your food in salad dressing or oil. I check it out today at the grocery store and let you know. I guess you could also make your own dressing or use store bought and put it in a spray bottle (probably cheaper with same effect?)....just a guess .

Old 06-17-2006, 12:49 PM #13


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Re: Starting Atkins and question about crystal light mix

Went to the store and the only spray I saw was redwine dressing by Wishbone. It was only $1.88 (special try offer). The bottle was fairly small (approx 6oz.). Serving size was 10 sprays (didn't say what that was equivelant to in Tbsp) and that serving suggestion is per 1 cup of salad. It was 1 gram of fat and 40 calories (regular redwine dressing is faily low too per serving). There were no other flavors to compare to. Hope this was of some help Chevyman.

Old 06-17-2006, 12:57 PM #14




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Re: Starting Atkins and question about crystal light mix


Originally Posted by bluejbirdie

ITs not about Counting Calories. But the Reason it works is still because you end up eating less calories. Even on atkins if you eat too many calories you will not lose weight. The Atkins people dont like to admit this but it is true.

This isn't true. But I know for a fact it isn't as I am living it. Before Atkins I was bulemic and either puked every meal or counted calories and if I ate more than $800 calories a day I gained. So when I began Atkins I never counted calories ever. I am very short and gain weight easy.

It is nothing for me if we go to like Ryans or Golden Corral to eat 2 or more steaks plus chicken, fish, veges, a salad, then top it off with strawberries when is season and their sugar free whipped topping. I never gain one pound.

Count calories and gain! NOPE! My husband can polish off 4 or more steaks (I kid you not) plus trip after trip to the food bar. Then go home and eat a whole bag of pork rinds and he hasn't gained one pound in two years. The only time we counted carbs were during the unduction then after we just ate legal foods. He lost 70 to 80 pounds. Looks amazing too.

When we were losing he ate the same way too.

Last edited by anitak1982; 06-17-2006 at 12:58 PM.

Old 06-17-2006, 01:22 PM #15


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Re: Starting Atkins and question about crystal light mix

you can just eat800 calories a day and gain?
I Always though a persons could eat as much as they want on your's amazeing how the atkins diet works..I don't understand that type of dieting myself? eating that much fat..trans fats sat fats all bad fats.
but I guess after the induction phase your body goes into ketosis, and I guess them fats are not stored? but extracted,,,so your body don't have time to store the fats..and you burn what you comsume for that day....either while your sleeping and exercising.
I'm afraid of Atkins because I don't know what I'd be like say 10 years from now? might not be fat but what other shape would my body be in and me not know it?

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Can I Drink Crystal Light on Low Carb Diet
